A Gift Overdue to My Teacher

Syed Shehroz
2 min readAug 16, 2020


To my beloved teacher who gave my life a good direction

First of all, why is gratitude important?

With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives. Gratitude is strongly associated with happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, improve their health and build strong relationships.

The person I thanked, “Sir Amjad Afzaal”

How did I thank my teacher?

Simply, I WhatsApp him the picture with below text.

Assalam o Alaikum Wr Wb
ALHAMDULILLAH graduated from PUCIT. The person who deserves the most credit in the journey of PUCIT is, Sir Amjad Afzaal, no exaggerations. You are the only person who developed my interest in the field of comuting. Otherwise, I was about to leave my degree. My life will always be thankful to you.
When I remember my past, I feel guilty on it. I used to cheat students in exams as my hobby and mostly got bad grades. I used to listen songs, whether it’s a wedding or funeral. You came in my life when my GPA was 1.81 because of cheating, but because of you, I learnt to be honest and it ended with 3.51 gpa. I was really proud and you taught me to be humble. I was aggressive and you taught me to be polite. Allah sent you in my life to change me completely in 3 years. You diverted me towards Allah❤.

And here is his reply, which made my day

