Smart Goal Just-Started

Syed Shehroz
3 min readAug 16, 2020


Remove Child Labor and Educate Children

My goal is to remove child labor, from my pocket and engaging others to bear educational expenses of children. First of all our religion tells us to be polite with the children. It’s the sunnah of our beloved Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) to be polite with children. His life is a role model of how to treat children.

Child is meant to learn, NOT to earn

As my other mentor is, Sir Abdul Sattar Eidhi, who loved children. He used to put a cot outside every Eidhi center, in which anyone from anywhere can drop a baby. A the baby would be brought up in a good environment.

Adbul Sattar Edhi feeding children

I cannot give 0.0001% of what Edhi Sahab did for the humanity. But what I can or what I am doing is:

  1. Educating the deserving children free of cost: There are times when people come to me and say that they cannot afford the fee for their children. I say it’s OK just give me your child and it would be more than a huge favor for me. If I have 35 students in my academy, teaching 5–7 won’t cost me anything. It’s the rule of my academy that the students studying in my academy won’t sell their books. If they want some money in return of them, they will ask me first before selling the books and key books. In this way, I mostly get the courses free of cost which I later, give to the deserving students for free.
orphan doing child labor

2. Child labor in motorcycles shops and other businesses: Why I have specially mentioned motorcycles repairing shop???
Because I am running my father’s spare-parts business, which he handed over to my mamu (business partner of my father). And in 99/100 shops, I have seen the shop owners brutally beating the children for small reasons. This thing really hurts me. Samama Saleem was a boy with same case. I used to teach him on my godam and on Sundays as well. His shop owner said to me, if you want to teach Samama, then do whatever you want but remember, neither he will pass nor expect a single penny from me. If you want me to let him free for 2 hours daily, it’s absolutely OK to me. I didn’t took him seriously and thanked him as well. Samama eventually passed Matric with just passing marks. Now he is doing Daras-e-Nazami course I guess, Alhamdulillah. Yet there are many more like him, I also want to help them all.

Child working of Kharadia’s shop


The above two things mentioned states that I am on my way to achieve my goal so far. My Allah give me courage to achieve it. But the task is too big, it cannot be done all alone with single pocket or income. This needs huge donations.

Last question: How shall this huge amount can be gathered to teach students like Samama?

Well I have an idea to help many of them as well. Idea maybe successful, or maybe unsuccessful. I shall take reward for my try from Allah irrespective of the results. So the idea is I shall make an application for Android and iOS. Through social media advertising will engage elite class people and the students especially for donations. They will be shown a profile and financial status of the concerned children and they will be encouraged to provide donations to them with open contact details. May Allah Rab ul Izzat elect me as one of His special ones. Amen.

